IRCDominatorXT™ is a chat room manager, it was written with the sole intention for myself and other chat room hosts to manage and control their rooms from disruptive guests. IRCDominatorXT™ is NOT written for use to cause disruption.Some of the features that will be included in future releases of IRCDominatorXT™
- Sleeper option - Using 2 rooms of the 5 available to you 1 will be set to tell the main host when to kick a guest if a porn bot whispers it.
- Respond to Invites - Will enable you to join a room from an Invite.
- Room Limit Protection - Set the room limit to a selected amount after joins and departs
- Kicks for Long Nick Names - Speaks for itself
- Customizable Quick Kick Buttons - Add custom messages on a quick kick button.
- Allowed to whisper list - When your whispers are off this will enable you to setup a list of nicks or gates that are allowed to whisper you.
- Close All whisper windows - Option to close all open whispers at the click of a button.
- Mode and Topic Lock - Will set back modes to your specified settings if they are changed by another host/Owner
- Auto Idle set Away - Set a time that you would like to set yourself away automatically.
- Time Check flood protection - Will ignore or Kick if Time checked to often
- Kick for any PING - If your hosted you will be able to kick the user if they PING
- Kick for Version Check - If your hosted you will be able to kick for VERSION check
- Kick for Ident Check - If your hosted you will be able to kick for IRCDominatorXT™ ident check
- Chat window Background colour change - Choose your background colour (NOTE: if font is same colour as background it will be altered to be readable.
- WHOIS window - Option to view WHOIS information for users.
- Room status window - Option to view the room creation details.
- Extended Access maintenance - Giving you the ability to make manual entries in the access list much easier.
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